What Does Bundling Services Mean?

Bundling services may sound like a complicated gimmick at first but regardless of the company, it is quite the contrary. When big companies like Dish, DirecTV, AT&T U-verse, Verizon, and Charter (just to name a few) are all offering the option to bundle home services, it’s hard to ignore. What these companies are offering is a chance to combine home services such as home phone, long distance, cell phones, internet, cable, and home security as a package deal. The benefit to you the consumer is that by bundling them, you save money and many headaches.
The bundled package of several home services allows you to choose what services you need and to only deal with one company for those services and pay that one company monthly for one total bill. This means that when you have questions about your services or need customer service, you don’t need to call several different 800 numbers and go through multiple automated systems…just one. All the while you are saving money and the deals just get better and better with all major carriers competing for your bundle business. This kind of competing doesn’t just stop at discounted services either, some services are being thrown in for free as an incentive to choose them, which works out well for the business and the consumer.
So do your research and see what you are paying each month on your home services like cable and internet, then take a look at what bundling packages can offer you! Make sure to see what services you may be using more than expected are you being charged extra for those overages? Make sure to account for overages over a several month period, things like ordering movies, going over data plans, or needing faster internet may be solved with bundling. Usually you can find these services offered unlimited in a bundled package and cheaper than what you are paying now. And don’t worry, now you don’t even have to search each company’s website or call each company, you simply can view all of your bundling options here, in one convenient place.