O S 10 Granted Stay of Execution
O S 10 Granted Stay of Execution
The O S 10 operating system will survive slightly longer than expected. Microsoft announced this morning that it will continue providing security updates for the O S until October 2028- for a price.

Microsoft had said it will stop updating the system in October 2025. However, corporate customers- and possibly individual consumers later- can buy up to three annual subscriptions that will bring automatic updates. The extensions come with some limits. They will entail only “critical and important” security updates- no other technical support.
The prices of the updates will vary according to the number of PCs needing them.
Microsoft noted the change in a post for its IT Pro Blog.
Microsoft really wants you to leave O S 10 for Windows 11.
The great corporate brainchild of Bill Gates prefers that all customers upgrade to Windows 11. but realizes its broad unpopularity. For this reason, it will provide the Extended Service Updates to individuals. The firm has not announced any dates or conditions for such updates.
Some users want to retain Windows 10 because of hardware limitations, preferences for certain user interface features, or simple familiarity with the system. Microsoft provides the Extended Update program to give such users time to adapt to O S 10’s obsolescence. The ESU program also provides necessary time for resolving any hardware or software compatibility problems.
What can you do about the end of O S 10?
If you use a PC, what can you do about the coming demise of O S 10?
- One possibility is to surrender. You can ‘upgrade’ to Widows 11, as Microsoft wants you to do. O S 11, though, is bloated and buggy, and getting rid of its most annoying apps and push notifications can be an onerous chore.
- You can download another O S: Safari, Linux, or Google’s Chromium. Microsoft, though, seeks to make this as difficult as possible. If you want to leave Windows, MS will force you to endure an unduly complex multi-step withdrawal process. You’ll be sorely tempted to give up.
- You can pay the annual fees for extended updates, and hope that before they expire, Microsoft will have replaced Windows 11 with a more functional and user-friendly O S.
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